
How To Do A Patch Test For Hair Color

It'southward important to perform an Allergy Alert Test each fourth dimension yous colour your hair, even if you've used at home hair dye before and had no reaction, as skin tin can develop an allergy over time. Here'southward how to do a pilus dye patch test at home:

  1. Mix a money-sized amount of the colour formula (A) and activator (B), plus the same sized amount of the Shade Shot Plus (if calculation) and mix together in a bowl.
  2. Use a cotton bud to apply a small amount of hair colour mixture backside your ear.
  3. Leave it on for 48 hours before washing off.
  4. If you have whatever signs of an allergic reaction, wash information technology off immediately and do not use the permanent colour.

Want help choosing the perfect shade of permanent hair dye for you lot? Contact our Client Delight Team for advice.

Read on for more details on the best way to carry out your patch exam and what to look out for.

While allergic reactions to hair dye are rare, information technology can happen, so an Allergy Alert Test is the best way to know if information technology'south condom for yous to use the product.

As it's the near important get-go pace in colouring hair at home, we asked our expert team to explain why it's necessary,and how best to behave out a hair dye Allergy Alert Exam.

Here, Atelier Principal hair colourist, Issie Churcher, walks usa through how to do iteasily and safelyyourself at home.

Why and how to patch test for allergies before hair colouring

"Permanent hair dye, whether information technology's for use in the salon or at domicile, requires a chemical to enable the color process and the depositing of colour pigments in the pilus," reveals leading pilus colourist Josh Wood. The chemic used can vary, and similar our Permanent Colour Kits it is often formulated with ingredients that are kind to hair and limit any pilus damage caused during the hair colouring process.

I of these commonly used chemicals you may take heard of is PPD  (listed in ingredients every bit Paraphenylenediamine). While our Permanent Colour Kits and Shade Shots (that are applied with the permanent color) practise non contain PPD, they practice incorporate an ingredient chosen toluene-2,5-diamine sulphate, also known as PTD.

This has a like chemical structure to PPD and works in a similar way to PPD to actuate the colouring pigments for permanent hair colour.  People tin all the same feel a reaction to this ingredient and that is why we stress the importance of carrying out an Allergy Alert Test for 48 hours before using the product, every fourth dimension you lot color your pilus.

It's important that if you notice any abnormal reactions during the 48 hour window of the examination, such every bit itching, redness or swelling in or around the test area, you should non apply the production. Please do make it bear on if you lot have suffered a reaction to your hair dye patch test, wdue east are happy to offer a refund as yous cannot use the product.

How to patch test at home

one. It's important to perform an Allergy Alert Test each fourth dimension y'all color your hair, even if you've used at domicile pilus dye before and had no reaction, equally pare can develop an allergy over time.
2. An allergic reaction to hair dye can consist of itchy skin, redness or fifty-fifty blisters on your scalp, so it'southward actually of import to practise a patch examination to avoid these. DO NOT use the product if y'all experience any reaction.

    iii. Mix a coin-sized amount of the colour formula (A) and activator (B), plus the aforementioned sized amount of the Shade Shot Plus (if adding for a personalised hair colour finish) and mix together in a bowl.
    Tip: It'south very of import to fasten the caps on the bottles tightly after you have opened them for the Allergy Warning Test, to forestall the products oxidising and ensure the active ingredients volition piece of work after the examination. Once products are mixed, they cannot be kept and should be disposed of advisedly.

    4. Utilize a cotton wool bud to employ a small amount of hair colour mixture behind your ear. Or use a cotton wool pad wrapped around the pointed tip of the colour brush in our Accessories Kit.
    5. Exit information technology on for 48 hours earlier washing off. You shouldn't even notice it's there, there may be a tiny dot of production residuum visible just no marks or redness if your test is normal.
    6. If you have whatsoever signs of an allergic reaction, wash it off immediately and practice not utilize the permanent colour. Please do contact united states if this is the case and nosotros will happily refund you lot for the product as you cannot use it.
    7. If you show no signs of reaction to the pilus dye, yous are all articulate to go ahead and use your perfect pilus colour shade match as instructed.

      If you have any further questions on hair dye Allergy Alert Tests please exercise get in bear on on

        Volume your virtual consultation hither.

        How To Do A Patch Test For Hair Color,


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